

Leadership Ranks









Compensation received
(Annualized Average)









Over $100,000

Income Disclosure Statement

What started as a small company focused on providing a better cup of coffee ten years ago has now expanded into an international corporation providing the treasures of the Earth to the people of the world. ORGANO now offers a wide range of convenient, easy to use, every day products, including beverages, nutraceuticals and personal care products.

At ORGANO, we blend the unequalled power of unique products with an unparalleled business opportunity that lets our independent Distribution Partners capitalize on the growing health and wellness industry. For those who join our ORGANO Family, our compensation plan rewards individuals for their commitment and, although success will vary from independent Distribution Partner to independent Distribution Partner, the power of ORGANO has already created life-changing income opportunities for many.

We welcome all who want to be part of this great endeavor and commit to providing an ever-expanding support system for your success.

* Figures stated represent the annualized average earnings in 2023 of those Active independent Distribution Partners who are qualified to receive compensation through ORGANO Compensation Plan. Active independent Distribution Partner is defined as an independent Distribution Partner that a) has registered by executing an ORGANO Independent Distribution Partner Agreement, b) has placed at least one product order in the preceding 12 months (January to Dec 31, 2023), and c) has earned at least one weekly or monthly bonus. The aforementioned criteria exclude retail customers, wholesale customers and independent Distribution Partners that did not renew their contract.

Typical participants (81.9%) who participate in the ORGANO compensation plan earned between $0-$599/year. The remaining 18.1% of the Independent Distribution Partners that were considered active reached a leadership rank and earned anywhere from $600 to more than $100,000 dollars during the year.

The earnings stated are not necessarily representative of the typical income or profit, if any, that an independent Distribution Partner can or will earn through his or her participation in the ORGANO Compensation Plan. The success of an independent Distribution Partner will depend on personal efforts, including, but not limited to, skill and time invested in developing the business. ORGANO does not guarantee any level of income or success.